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标题: 类风湿关节炎患者如何缓解寒冷季节的关节疼痛? [打印本页]

作者: ranchgirl    时间: 2013-1-11 23:23     标题: 类风湿关节炎患者如何缓解寒冷季节的关节疼痛?


当天气变恶劣时,许多关节炎患者感到关节疼痛加剧。他们非常相信关节疼痛是阴雨天气或寒冷天气的前兆。斯诺-帕姆(Pam Snow),49岁,亚特兰大人,患有关节炎。她常通过锻炼、节制饮食、减肥来对付疼痛,并偶尔使用一些非处方药缓解疼痛。但是当冬天到来时,斯诺将面对与天气有关的额外的关节疼痛。她说:“我过去常听到人们总是报怨感觉到膝盖疼痛就知道雨天要来了,现在我也成了他们中的一员。我认为关节疼痛和大气压力有关,它确实让我更察觉到天气的变化。”

很少有科学证据支持斯诺等人的这种感受。关节疼痛表明天气变化这种说法听起来比较荒诞(不确定),但实际上可能有一定的道理。Bonita S. Libman,类风湿病专家,是佛蒙特大学(伯灵顿)的类风湿病学和临床免疫学的副教授,她说:“就尽力去研究这种现象而言,研究很稀少而且相互矛盾(不确定)。但是很多人确实感觉到天气影响到他们的症状”。Libman博士听说过的一些从前的研究表明,大气压力箱里的气压越低,人们越会感到周身疼痛。


? 穿着暖和。如果室外寒冷,那就在疼痛的手上戴上手套,并且在膝盖和腿上多加几层衣物来保持身体温暖。斯诺说:“我是那类喜欢穿连衣裙和裙子的人,但当天气寒冷时,我也会穿上紧身裤或者裹腿来保持身体温暖。”

? 室内锻炼。一项发表在Journalof Physical Activity and Health的研究观测了241个居住在芝加哥(以冬季严寒而出名)的成年人的身体活动,结果发现坐着的时间从11月份到7月份增加了3个小时以上。尽管为了避开冬天的寒冷这种做法是可以理解的,但是关节炎患者仍然需要保持活动,最佳方式是要有一个室内锻炼计划。斯诺在家中有一个跑步机和椭圆形的训练器。Libman推荐在购物中心散步。

? 享受温暖的水。在能加热的池子里游泳既是一项很好的运动,也能安抚关节。在温暖的水中洗浴也能让你放松。但是当沐浴后请不立刻走到寒冷之中,首先做的是让你的体温变得正常一点。

? 补充维生素D。Libman提醒到缺乏维生素可能会让骨性关节炎更严重。冬天你可能不会得到充足的维生素D,因此,应该补充维生素D或者确保你的饮食是富含维生素D的。

? 保证出行安全。特别是在结冰的天气,关节炎患者应当保护关节免受更重的伤害。Libman建议到,如果你准备外出,要穿上结实的、包裹性好的(还是支持性好的?)、鞋底良好的鞋子,并且尽量走在看上去不太滑的路面上。

? 尝试补充葡萄糖胺-软骨素。尽管临床研究没有证实草药补充剂(herbal supplements不确定)能缓解关节炎疼痛,Libman说她的某些病人在补充这类东西后确实感到疼痛有所缓解。她说:“我告诉我的病人,如果你能支付起相关费用,而且你想尝试一下,这似乎是一个对付疼痛的低风险的选择。”

? 增加鱼油。Libman说:“Omega-3脂肪酸确实有些益处,因为它们能减轻炎症。”你每天需要2000到3000毫克才能受益。如果你要尝试Omega-3脂肪酸,要确保告诉你的医生,因为这些脂肪酸能增加你擦伤或流血的风险。

? 服用NSAIDs。即使你像斯诺一样倾向于改变生活方式而非药物治疗来对付你的关节疼痛,当你的关节疼痛加剧时,不妨服用一些非处方药来缓解疼痛。

? 按摩。是的,你完全可以享受一下(不确定)。Libman解释说:“就正在发生的病痛来说,一部分是由关节发出的,一部分来自于关节周围的肌肉。”按摩能够缓解痉挛的肌肉。

? 针炙治疗。对于那些愿意考虑非传统治疗的人来说,针炙是另外一个选择。Libman说:“看上去病人的疼痛确实得到了缓解。你可能需要几个疗程才能缓解关节疼痛。

作者: ranchgirl    时间: 2013-1-11 23:25 ... winter-weather.aspx

Many people with arthritis swear by the pain in their joints as apredictor of rainy or cold weather. “I used to hear people complain all thetime that they knew rain was coming from the aching in their knees,” says PamSnow, 49, of Atlanta, who has arthritis. “And now I’m one of those people!”

Snow has osteoarthritis inboth knees. She typically managesher pain with exercise, diet, weight loss, and the occasionalover-the-counter pain relief, but when winter sets in, Snow faces an extraweather-related joint pain challenge. “I think it’s related to barometricpressure,” Snow says. “It definitely has made me more cognizant of theweather.”

There is very little scientific evidence to support Snow’s experience orthat of the many arthritis patientswho feel worse when the weather is frightful. “In terms of really trying toscientifically study it, [research] is rather sparse and contradictory,” saysrheumatologist Bonita S. Libman, MD, an associate professor of rheumatology andclinical immunology at the University of Vermont in Burlington. “A lot ofpeople do feel that weather affects their symptoms.”

In fact, she says there may be some truth to the old wives’ tale thataching joints indicate a change in weather. According to some old studies Dr.Libman heard about, people in barometric pressure chambers found that the lowerthe pressure, the more aches and pains they felt.

Though there’s not much scientific data to support the joint pain andweather connection, you canstill use these arthritis pain relief tips when your aching joints act up inwinter:

· Dresswarmly. If it’s cold outside, keep yourselfwarm with gloves over hands that ache and added layers over knees and legs.“I’m one of those people who loves to wear dresses and skirts,” says Snow, “sowhen it’s cold I also wear tights or leggings to stay warm.”

· Exerciseinside. A study published in the Journalof Physical Activity and Health that measured physical activity in 241adults with arthritis living in Chicago (a city known for its bitterly coldwinters) found that the amount of sedentary time increased by over three hoursbetween November and June. But while it's understandable to want to avoidwinter chill, people with joint pain should still stay active — and the bestway is with an indoor exercise plan. Snow has a treadmill and an ellipticaltrainer at home. Libman recommends walking the mall.

· Enjoy warmwater. Swimming in a heated pool is bothgreat exercise and soothing to joints. You can also get relief from warm baths.Just don’t go right out into the cold after your soak. Let your bodytemperature normalize a bit first.

· Supplementvitamin D. Being deficient in vitamin D might makeosteoarthritis worse, warns Libman. You are less likely to get enough vitamin Din the winter, so this is a good time to take a supplement or make sure yourdiet is vitamin D-rich.

· Stay safe. Particularly when the weather turns icy, people with arthritis needto protect their joints from further damage. If you’re going outside, picksolid, supportive shoes with good treads and try to walk on a surface thatdoesn’t look icy, advises Libman.

· Try aglucosamine-chondroitin supplement. Although there are noherbal supplements that have been proven to provide arthritis pain relief inclinical studies, Libman says some of her patients do report relief from thesesupplements. “What I tell my patients is, if you can afford to pay for it andyou want to give it a try, it seems to be a low-risk thing for pain,” she says.

· Add fishoil. “Omega-3 fatty acids do have some benefit becausethey seem to reduce the level of inflammation,” says Libman. You need about2,000 to 3,000 milligrams a day to get benefits. Make sure to let your doctorknow if you try omega-3s, as they can increase the risk of bruising orbleeding.

· TakeNSAIDs. Even if, like Snow, you prefer totreat your joint pain with lifestyle changes rather than medication, it’s okayto take an over-the-counter pain reliever when your joint pain is worse due tothe weather.

· Get amassage. Yes, you have permission to indulgeyourself. “A lot of what’s happening in terms of pain is, some is emanatingfrom the joint and some from the muscles around the joint,” explains Libman.Massage can help ease those cramped muscles.

· Go underthe needle. Acupuncture is another option forthose willing to consider non-traditional treatments. “It does seem patientsderive some benefit with regard to pain,” says Libman. You may need severalsessions to get the joint pain relief you seek.

So when your joints start to warn you of miserable weather ahead, plan atoasty warm schedule of indoor exercise, cozy clothing, and treats such asmassage to get through the oncoming cold spell.

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