If he can make you smile, and you find yourself very happy with him, then perhaps he is the one.
三十了也没交过男友,这就是说你在这一块儿是点经验没有。听我的,as long as he makes you happy, pretty good in bed, and has a career, go for it. 太慢热或胆小会让你错过很多的。不是时间紧迫,但是每一个女人都需要爱情的滋润和一个家。
If you didn't like what he said, tell him, express it. No one can read your mind and some times guys are really stupid. They won't know any better. He might not be "the one", but basing it off just words alone is not enough.
I have dated many people, and met even more due to working in the sale industry. My husband is Egyptian and we have been happily married for a while. Not to say that we don't have our ups and downs, and he wasn't always so good with words, but at the end of the day, you just want someone that can make you feel loved and smile when you think of them.