作者也借书中角色说出他对俄国国民性的一个理解: 鱼死网破的绝决。
比如19世纪拿破仑征服莫斯科,法军才住几个晚上,莫斯科就被俄国人放火烧了。 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_of_Moscow_(1812)
The 1812 Fire of Moscow broke out on 14 September 1812, when Russian troops and most of the remaining residents abandoned the city of Moscow just ahead of Napoleon's vanguard troops entering the city after the Battle of Borodino.
再比如20年代苏联农业公有化, 俄国农民就宁愿把一半家禽都杀了,也不充公。 https://russiapedia.rt.com/of-russian-origin/collectivization/
In despair, people killed their own cattle and burned their own fields. Livestock population decreased to half its size. Riots started here and there, and after being suppressed they turned into acts of terror and sabotage.
再比如决斗。大诗人普希金就这样走了。 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Pushkin#Death?
读书笔记被我写的干巴巴的。 其实原书的魅力之一是, 这些干巴巴的历史, 通过书中人物之口, 在有冲突的场景中被充满情感的表达出来, 让读者不仅理解前因后果, 而且可以relate in a personal level. http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/bbs/kghy/3211309.html